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July 1st 1938- West Side VFD Formed

A meeting of the men of this vicinity was called to discuss the matter of organizing a fire company. The following were present: Harry Bradley, BJ Dayton, Don Parks, Alfred Larmore, Howard Cox, Marvin Cox, C. Glen Messick, John W Anderson, George W Larmore, Ernest Horseman, Edgar Horseman, Carl Brewington, Geo. W. F. Insley, Harold Riall, Albert Riall, Caroll Elliott, WJ Willing and Fred Grier Jr. 

Among these local men were Chief W Disharoon from Salisbury Fire Department and Lee Lankford. BJ Dayton chairman of the meeting called on Mr. Fred Grier Jr to explain ways and means of organizing a fire company. He gave a very interesting talk on the advantages of a fire company also Chief Disharoon spoke along the same line. Mr. Lankford advised the prices and terms of fire equipment which was $3200 for a used fire engine $1200 to be paid in November 1938 and $1000 to be paid in November 1939 and 1940.

Harry Bradley made a report of the condition of the fire equipment referred to which he said was in good condition. The chairman asked for a vote on organizing a fire company and the vote was almost unanimous. A motion was then made to organize a fire company. Motion carried. The following officers were elected temporarily. BJ Dayton, President; WJ Willing, Secretary and Treasurer; Harry Bradley, Chief; Finance Committee, Marvin Cox, Chairman; Howard Cox, C.G. Messick, Edgar Horsman, Howard Watson, harry Horner, Willie Robertson, Randolph White, Dewey Heath.

Harry Bradley reported that several men had offered to contribute money to company. He was requested to report at the next meeting how much money had been subscribed. Several names were suggested for the new company. A motion was made and adopted to accept the name of West Side Fire Department. Next meeting was to be Tuesday July 5th. Mr. Grier told us we would be eligible for $700 from County Commissioners each year.

March 31, 1941- WSVFD Organizes Ladies Auxilary

Mr. Clarence Little and Mr. Glenn Messick, Sr. held a meeting at the fire hall in Bivalve, Maryland to organize a Ladies Auxiliary to the West Side Fire Department. There were 17 ladies present at the first meeting, and there has been a West Side Ladies Auxiliary ever since. The first president was the late Frances Wilson. The present president, Nellie Rutherford, is a charter member.

The Auxiliary supports the Fire Department by donating money for equipment and furnishings. This money is raised by dinners, auctions, lunches, receptions and bingo.

In the last five years, a new kitchen has been built and completely furnished. We’ve also purchased a van used by both the Auxiliary and Fire Department members.

"EMERGENCY" Ambulance

October 17, 1972 the West Side Volunteer Fire Department purchased the iconic ambulance from the hit tv series, EMERGENCY. It is described as the best equipped ambulance in Maryland.

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